45th ETPFGM 2007
Pisa, 22 - 24 May 2007
Organiser: Catherine Colin

List of papers presented
Special topic: Polydisperse flow
Models for polydisperse multiphase flows
R. Fox
Multi-fluid and particle-tracking methods for predicting poly-dispersed flows
A. Tomiyama
Application of the moment-density method in CFD code to model bubble size distribution
P. Ruyer, N. Seiler, M. Beyer, F.-P. Weiss
Experiments and simulations of bubbly flow in a complex 3D flow field
D. Lucas, H.-M. Prasser, E. Krepper, M. Beyer
Break-up of drop and bubble in turbulent flows
F. Risso
Agglomeration and breakup of solid particles in a random symmetric shear
Y. Ammar, M. W. Reeks, D.C. Swailes, A. Dehbi
Experimental investigation of mass transfer and transport of dissolved oxygen in a homogeneous bubbly flow
M. Abbas, A.M. Billet, V. Roig
Degassing of liquids over submerged heaters under microgravity conditions
T.D. Karapantsios, M. Kostoglou, V. Bontozoglou
Nucleate boiling in water for different pressures
H. Feldmann, A. Luke
CHF in microchannels: a theoretical model
J.R. Thome, R. Revellin
Quenching experiments of hot tubes at normal and reduced gravity conditions
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, G. Zummo
Critical analysis and improvement of a mechanistic model for pool nucleate boiling
A. Sanna, E. Pavlovic, I. Golobic, D. B. R. Kenning, T. G. Karayiannis
Reversal of the lift and the torque acting on an oblate spheroidal bubble in a linear shear flow
D. Legendre, R. Adoua, J. Magnaudet
Momentum balance in bubble growth and detachment
P. Di Marco
Numerical simulations of shear flow past a droplet on an adhering wall at moderate Reynolds numbers
P.D.M. Spelt, Hang Ding
Motion of long bubbles in the absence of gravity: physical and numerical experiments
J.B. Dupont, J. Fabre, D. Legendre
Bluff body in a pipe as a model of a Taylor bubble: similarities and differences in the induced flow field
L. Shemer, V. Babin, D. Barnea
Evaluation of fluid-particle temperature correlations in gas-solid turbulent flows by DNS/DPS
A. Couzinet, B. Bedat, O. Simonin
Experimental study of particle-turbulence interactions
R. Van Hout
From DNS to LES of heavy particle dispersion in wall-bounded turbulent flows
C. Marchioli, M.V. Salvetti, A. Soldati
Measurement of pseudo turbulence intensity in mono-dispersed bubbly liquids for 10<Re<500
J. Martinez-Mercado, C. Palacios-Morales, R. Zenit
Experimental analysis of the process conditions for the existence of fluid dynamic critical two-phasefrozen flow in safety valves
D. Moncalvo, L. Friedel
Self-excited oscillations in a buoyant confined bubbly shear layer
V. Roig, A. Larue de Tournemine
Simulation of the Thorpe experiment by the Neptune CFD code to predict the occurrence ofinstabilities in a stratified flow
Y. Bartosievicz, J. Lavieville, J.-M. Seynhaeve
Long wave stability analysis for inclined stratified flow: exact solution and two fluid model
R. Kushnir, V. Segal, A. Ullmann, N. Brauner
Prediction of entrainment fraction in horizontal oil-water flows
T. Al-Wahaibi, P. Angeli
Adiabatic and diabatic two phase flow in multiple parallel pipes
Y. Taitel, D. Barnea