22d ETPFGM 1984
Rome, 19 - 21 June 1984
Organiser: M. Cumo

List of papers presented
Heat Transfer Investigation on Rapid Cladding-Cooling and Quench during the Blowdown Phase of a Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident
S.N. Aksan
Calculation Equations Which Give the Critical Flow in an Explicit Form for Reactor Safety Analysis
J. Flinta
Visualization of the Diverging Two-Phase Flow Pattern in a Horizontal T-Junction with Vertical Branch
H. Katsaounis and H.D. Fürst
A Model for the Interfacial Friction in Inverse Annular Film Flow
J. Würtz
Two-Phase Friction Pressure Drop Correlation for Vertical Downflow
L. Friedel
Stability of Void Fraction Waves and Bubble-slug Transition
J.A. Bourè and A. Matuszkiewicz
Thermal Analysis and Working Limits of Heat Pipe Solar Collectors
M. Cucumo and V. Marinelli
Critical Heat Flux for Steam-Water Countercurrent Flow in Vertical Tubes Closed at the Bottom
I. Ceresa and P. Savoldelli
Dryout Results from SVEA 16-Rod Bundle Tests
B. Scholin, J. Linder and H. Broddfelt
CHF in a Small Diameter Tube at Extended Quality Ranges with Refrigerant 12
Th. Mueller-Menzel
Flow Pattern Identification by Pressure Drop and Void Fraction Fluctuations Analysis in Vertical Two-Phase Flow
M. Annunziato and G. Girardi
Temperature Stratification in a Heated Horizontal Tube with Turbulent Single-Phase Flow
P.E. Chew and B. Chojnowski
Two-Phase Blowdown of Initially Saturated Liquid
L. Olsen
2D Effects During Reflooding of a PWR: Forced Reflood Tests of Pericles Programme
J.M. Veteau, P. Clement and R. Deruaz
Reflood Heat Transfer in Severely Blocked Fuel Assemblies
K.G. Pearson and C.A. Cooper
Visualization of the Reflooding of a Vertical Tube by Dynamic Neutron Radiography
G. Costigan and C.D. Wade
Flooding of Air-Water Counter Current Flows in Annuli
D.H. Rooney, H.C. Simpson, M.M. Megahed, E.W. Bessada and A.M. Bradford
Performance Tests of Moisture Separators: Elaboration of the Experimental Results and Comparison with Analytical Predictions for the Irreversible Pressure Losses
M. Sala, and A. Stefani
Mist Choked Flow in Sharp Edged Orifices: Rebeca Program
D. Abramson, M. Maegey and A. Mattei
Lackme's Model of Critical Flow with Flashing Applied to Complex Pipe Geometries
R. Tenaglia and M. Giot
Pressure Drop of Air-Water and Steam-Water Flow in a Dividing T-Junction
J. Reimann and W. Seeger
The Evaluation of Friction Pressure Losses in Two-Phase High Velocity Flow Using Non-Homogeneous Models
F. D'Auria and P. Vigni
Closed Formulation of Interfacial Friction in a Two Fluid Model
H.G. Sonnenburg
Two-Phase Measurements with Impedance Probes and a Turbine Flow Meter
G. Del Tin and M. De Salve
Void Fraction Measurements Performed in a Vertical Large Diameter Tube Compared To Different Predicting Correlations
A. Katsaounis and M. Kuhns
Bubble Chamber Studies Related to Hot Leg Injection in a PWR
H.C. Simpson, D.H. Rooney, G.C. Beggs and M. Isikan
Experimental Investigation of Gas-Liquid Mixture Separators
M. Avitabile and G. Capuano
Effects of Inlet Water Distribution and of Length on Flooding Test Conditions
M. Cumo, G.E. Farello and M. Furrer
Two Phase Flow Real Time Code
Ph. Bonnemay
Steady-State Test on U-Tube Steam Generator Thermal-Hydraulics
G. Cattadori, G. Masini, L. Mazzocchi and A. Venturi
Energy Transport Mechanisms at Reduced Water Inventories during a Small Break LOCA
B. Brand, D. Hein, R. Mandl
Lower Plenum Voiding Qualification of the Cathare Code on Experimental LPV Results
J.C. Micaelli