25th ETPFGM 1987
Trondheim, 1 - 4 June 1987
Organiser: K. Bendiksen
List of papers presented
Two-Phase Flow Research at SINTEF and IFE: Some Experimental Results and a Demonstration of the Dynamic Two-Phase Flow Simulator
O.P. Fuchs
Assessment of Interfacial Shear and Wall Heat Transfer of RELAP 5/M0D2/36.02 during Reflooding
G.Th. Analytis, M. Richnera and S.N. Aksan
Phenomenological Aspects of Code Assessment using LOBI-MOD2 Experimental Data
B. Worth et al.
Penetration Effects Arising from Simulated Hot-Leg Injection in a 1/10 scale PWR Test Facility
H.C. Simpson and A.M. Bradford
Numerical Simulation of Liquid Drop Collision with a Rigid Flat Plate
C. van der Geld and W. Sluyter
Level Swell and Void Distribution in a Discharging Vertical Vessel
G. Friz
Stratified Gas-Liquid Flow in Near-Horizontal Pipelines
P. Andreussi, A.O. Donfrancesco and A. Minervini
Unsteady Gas-Liquid Flow in Horizontal Pipes
B. Caussade, J. Fabre and B. Theron
Horizontal Two-Phase Flow Studies using R 113
T.M.S. Callander and A. Gilchrist
Sand Bed Formation in Horizontal and Near Horizontal Gas-Liquid-Sand Flow
S. Angelsen, S. Holte, O. Kvernvold and H. Reder
Counter-Current Flow in Large Geometries First Results of the Upper Plenum Test Facility
H. Watzinger, P. Weiss and R. Hertlein
Counter-Current Flow Model in PWR Hot Leg
H. Boileau
Counter-Current Flow of Steam and Subcooled Water in Fuel Elements
R. Spatz and D. Mewes
Boildown Computations for a Vessel Downcomer Configuration
I. Shepherd, R. Nijsing and J.S. Duffield
Measurements and Observations of the Split of Annular Flow at a Vertical T-Junction
B.J. Azzopardi
Single-Phase and Two-Phase Flow in a T-Junction. A Theoretical Study
H. Lemonnier
Phase Redistributions and Pressure Drop in T-Junctions of Different Diameter Ratios
R. Domanski, J. Reimann and U. Müller
Two-Phase Flow in a Confluent Junction
M. Giot, P. Plissart and Th. Vromman
2D Effects During Reflooding of a PWR: Quench Front Propagation Modelling from Pericles Experiments
J.M. Veteau and C. Housiadas
Experimental Studies of Two-Phase Flow Across Tube Banks
G. Pierotti and B. Bussy
Slow Depressurization Experiments in Vertical Rod Bundles and Annuli
D. Bestion
Nuclear Steam Generators - Current Status
G. Hetsroni
Subcooled Boiling Heat Transfer to R 12 in an Annular Vertical Channel
H. Brauer and F. Mayinger
Inferences, Measurement and Prediction of Radial Void Distributions
C.W.M. van der Geld
Two-Phase Pressure Loss Model for Pressure Relief Valves
L. Friedel and H.M. Kissner
Two-Phase Pressure Loss in a Rupture Disc/Safety Valve Unit
L. Friedel and H.M. Kissner
Progress in Technology and Signal Treatment of Mono and Bi-Optical Probe for Two-Phase Flow Measurements
F. Ferrand, B. Dautrey, J.M. Gouirand and J.C. Riou
Methods for Signals Processing of Gamma Densitometers
M. Annunziato, P. Bitonti and S. Giammartini
Void Fraction Measurements by Optical Probe System
M. Annunziato, S. Giammartini, M. Presaghi and M. Sica
The Applicability of the Shear Stress Device K-Tube in Two-Phase Flow
G. Onsrud
Boiling Crisis in Evaporator Tubes of Various Orientations
V. Kefer, W. Kohler and W. Kastner
Equivalent Rod Bundle Correlation (ER3-2) for the Design of KWU Reload Fuel for W-Reactors
K. Mistelberger, P. Suchy, G. Ulrych and Ch. Vogel
Critical Heat Flux Phenomena in Flow Boiling During Power Transients
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, F. D'Annibale, G.E. Farello and S. Abou Said
Steady-State Post-Dryout Results at Low Quality and Moderate Pressure
D. Swinnerton, K.G. Pearson and M.L. Hood
The Influence of Non-Condensable Gas on Two-Phase Critical Flow
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, G.E. Farello and F. D'Annibale
Phenomena Related to the Condensation of Countercurrent and Cocurrent Steam on the Surface of Subcooled Stratified Water Flows
W. Eifler
Condensation of Steam out of Steam-Air Mixtures along a Cooled Horizontal Tube in Annular Flow
G. Nolte, and F. Mayinger
Forced Convection Condensation along a Flat Plate in the Presence of Non-Condensable Gas and of Liquid Droplets
A. Matuszkiewicz and Ph. Vernier
Experimental Study on Reflux Condensation Inside a Tube Simulating 2 U-Tube of a PWR Steam Generator
V. Marcolongo, G. Masini, A. Achilli, S. Gandolfi and O. Vescovi