26th ETPFGM 1988
Brussels, 30 May - 1 June 1988
Organiser: M. Giot
List of papers presented
Bubble Driven Mixing of the Oxidic and Metallic Phases during MCCI
A. Suter and G. Yadigaroglu
Drop Interactions in Pulsed Perforated Plate Extraction Columns
H. Schmidt and R. Mai
Destratification in an Horizontal Steam Water Flow
A. Memponteil
Analysis of Slug Flow in Near Horizontal and Horizontal Pipes
P. Andreussi, A. Paglianti, N. Vatistas, A. Mineryini and K. Bendiksen
The Dependence of Flow Pattern Transitions on Tube Diameter and Pressure
C.W.M. Van der Geld and P.G.M.T. Boot
Investigation of Fluid Property Effects in Horizontal Two-Phase Flow - Flow of Freon 113
A. Gilchrist, T.M.S. Callander and T.N. Wong
Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Two-Phase Flow Related to the Depressurization of Chemical Reactor Vessel
F. Hardekopf and D. Mewes
Critical Flow of Hydrocarbon Mixtures Through Nozzles
Th. Vromman and M. Giot
Leakage Rates of Refrigerants Through Cracks
L. Friedel and F. Westphal
Single-Phase and Two-Phase Flow Resistance Across Rupture Discs
L. Friedel and H.M. Kissner
Sensitivity Analysis of an Impedance Void Meter to the Void Distribution in Annular and Bubbly Flow : A Theoretical Study
H. Lemonnier, R. Nakach and S. Selmer-Olsen
The Split of Two-Phase Flow at a Horizontal T-Annular and Stratified Flow
B.J. Azzopardi, D. Wagstaff, L. Patrick and S.B. Memory
Presentation of the Thermohydraulic Activities in Spain
J.M. Izquierdo
Flooding in Horizontal Pipes
P.S. Black, G.F. Hewitt and D.C. Leslie
Air-Water Flooding Experiments in Vertical Round Channels with Obstructions
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, G.E. Farello and T. Setaro
Controlling Mechanisms for Counter-Current Flow in the Upper Part of a PWR Core
R. Hertlein and W. Herr
Film Structure and Pressure Gradient in Air-Water Counter-Current Flows
D. Emmerechts and M. Giot
Heat Transfer in Vertical and Horizontal One-Side Heated Evaporator Tubes
W. Kohler, V. Kefer and W. Kastner
Spray Cooling Experiments on SVEA Water Cross BWR Fuel
O. Nylund, R. Eklund and H. Wijkström
CHF in Multiple Transients: Flow Rate and Power Simultaneous Variations
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, F. D'Annibale and G.E. Farello
Bottom Reflooding of a 37 Tight Lattice Rod Bundle for Future PWRs
J.M. Veteau, A. Digonnet and J. Lafay
Properties of Kinematic Waves in Two-Phase Pipe Flows. Consequences on the Modeling Strategy
J.A. Boure
Treatment of Moving Phase Boundaries and Mixture-Density Discontinuities in Axial Two-Phase Flow
R. Nijsing
Void Fraction and Pressure Drop in Subcooled Forced Convection Boiling with Refrigerant 12
G. Stangl and F. Mayinger
Flooding in a Vertical Tube During the Counter Current Flow of Steam and Subcooled Water
A.M. Bradford, H.C. Simpson and H. Ahmed
Transient Gas Liquid Slug Flow
J. Fabre, B. Caussade, C. Jean and B. Theron
Heat Transfer Performance of a Power Station Condenser and Effects of Non Condensable Gases
G. Masini and L. Mazzocchi
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Condensation and the Condensate Subcooling Inside a Vertical Tube
M. Weber and L. Delvaux
Modeling the Transient Behaviour of the Dryout Front in a Steam Generating Tube
D.R. Atthey, B. Scruton and B. Chojnowski
PWR Steam Generator of a French 1300 MWe Plant Interpretation of Paluel Field Measurements with the Three Dimensional Computer Code CAFCA
J.Y. Boivin, G. Pierotti and D. Tincq
Steam Generator Bundle Subchannel Analysis
J.F. Haquet, J.C. Bouchter, P. Maret and J.F. Ivars
A PWR Steam Generator Model for Operational Dynamics and Control System Studies (NUMAC-PWR)
P. Lightfoot, C.H. Green and R. Chojnowski
Spray Characterization and Direct Measurement of Drop Size and Velocity Distributions Using Pulsed Laser Holography
A. Chavez and F. Mayinger
A Heated Thermocouple Probe for Dynamic Level and Local Phase Detection
M. Annunziato, G. Manzi, A. Pasqualini, M. Presaghi and F. Romanello
Flow Regime Calculations for U-Bend Region of PWR Steam Generator
D.L. Pearce, D. Longworth and B. Chojnowski