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27th ETPFGM 1989

Paris, 29 May - 1 June 1989

Organiser: J.Y. Olive

List of papers presented


Analysis of the Dryout Incident of the Oskarshamn 2 Boiling Water Reactor
K.M. Becker, J. Engström, O. Nylund, B. Scholin and B. Soderquist


The Heated Length Effect in CHF Correlations. A Physical Reality or a Code Deficiency?
R. Zimmermann, P. Suchy and G. Ulrych


Theoretical Analysis of the Thermal Behaviour of a Boiling System
P. Peturaud et al.


Evaporative Engine Cooling for Temperature Control
D. Gentile


Investigation of High-Flux Heat Transfer from Porous Coated Tubes or Water Pool Boiling
J.Y. Simon


Post-CHF Heat Transfer in Inclined Evaporator Tubes
V. Kefer, W. Koehler and D. Hein


Pericles Programme: Boil-Up, Boil-Off and Reflooding High Pressure Experiments in a PWR Assembly
J.M. Veteau and A. Digonnet


Reflooding of a PWR in a LOCA : Evaluation of Experimental Results with Respect to Relevant Safety Parameters
C. Smoglie


Mechanisms of Flooding in Air-Water Counter-Current Flow through Short Multi-Path Geometries
J.M. Seynhaeve, J. Zhang and M. Giot


Investigation of Vertical Steady-State Countercurrent Flow Limitation under Various System Pressures
M. Stephan and F. Mayinger


Flooding in Inclined Pipes with Obstructions
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, G.E. Farello and T. Setaro


On the Frequency of Oscillations in Two-Phase Natural Circulation Experiments
G.F. de Santi and J. Sanders


Phenomenological Modelling of Non-Equilibrium Flows with Phase Change
G.F. Hewitt and A.H. Govan


Free Surface Separation in a Boiling Water Reactor With Natural Circulation
R.M. Van Kuijk


Vibrations in Heat Exchangers under Two-Phase Flow and Boiling Conditions
B. Jatzlau and F. Mayinger


Vibration in Two-Phase Flow: Experiment and Computation for the Determination of Fluidelastic Instability Threshold
N. Gay, S. Granger and G. Pierotti


Contribution to the Thermal-Hydraulic Measurements in a Tube Bundle Geometry. The Clotaire Program
J.M. Gouirand


Thermal-Hydraulics of PWR Fuel Assemblies: The 3D Code THYC and its Validation Program VATICAN
G. Nicolas, C. Niedergang, S. Aubry and E. Briere


FLICA IV, a Finite Volume Implicit Computer Code for 3-D Two-Phase Flows Computation of PWR Cores
D. Caruge and P. Raymond


Digital Image Processing for Particles Dimensional and Morphological Characterization
M. Annunziato, S. Giammartini and F. Pieroni


A Microwave Technique for Measuring Volumetric Void Fraction
J. Leblond, L. Kazan and M. Roulleau


Experimental and Numerical Study on Phase Dispersion Mechanisms Turbulent Bubbly Flows across Tube Bundle
O. Simonin and M. Barcouda


Water Droplet Carry-Over into the Superheat Region of Steam Generators
G.F. Dennett and J.N. Caplin


Condensation Tests. Interpretation and Modelization for the CATHARE Code
D. Bestion and L. Gros d'Aillon


Direct Contact Condensation of Steam on Droplets
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, F. D'Annibale and G.E. Farello


Experimental Studies of the Stratified Flow of Two Immiscible Liquids and Air in a Horizontal Pipe
H. Stapelberg and D. Mewes


Transient Slug Flow Analysis in Pipelines
A. Gilchrist and T.N. Wong


Onset of Instabilities and Slugging in Horizontal and Near Horizontal Gas-Liquid Flow
M. Espedal and K. Bendiksen


Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in a 180 Bend. Pressure and Void Fraction Distribution in Bubbly and Plug Regimes
D. Barbier, Q.G. Yu and G. Cognet


Aspects of Modelling Emergency Relief from Chemical Reactor Vessels
R. Nijsing, G. Fritz, S. Duffield and K. Mehr


Gas-Solid Flow in a Sonic Nozzle. Influence of Particle Properties
C.W.J. Van Koppen and C.W.M. Van Der Geld


Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Two-Component Two-Phase Critical Flow in a Convergent-Divergent Nozzle
H. Lemonnier and S. Selmer-Olsen


Depressurisation Rates during Emergency Vessel Top and Bottom Venting of Two-Phase Systems
L. Friedel and E. Molter


The Formation of Steam Bubbles at an Orifice Submerged in Subcooled Water
H.C. Simpson, Z. Tao and A. Bradford


Predictions of the Two-Phase Flow Properties of a Confined Spray Flame
V.S. Semiao and M.G. Carvalho


Prediction of a Pulverised Coal Injection in a Hot Coflowing Air Flow
O. Simonin and P.L. Viollet


Mathematical Modelling of Two-Phase Flow
M. Black

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