28th ETPFGM 1990
Ispra, 21 - 23 May 1990
Organiser: R. Nijsing

List of papers presented
Mechanistic Crack Leakage Rate Prediction Method
L. Friedel and F. Westphal
Flashing Experiments by Rupture of Vessels Containing Superheated Liquid
J. Schmidli, S. Banerjee, G.P. Celata and G. Yadigaroglu
Critical Two-Phase Flow: Models and Data
C. Alimonti, A. Fritte and M. Giot
Non-Equilibrium Modelling of Two-Phase Flows in Nozzles
J.B. Castaigne and J.S. Duffield
An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Tensides on the Rise Velocity of Nitrogen Bubbles in Water
K.M. Becker and H. Olander
Void Fraction Profile Evolution in Bubbly Flow
I. Zun and S. Moze
Gas Liquid Flow in Tube at Micro-Gravity Condition
C. Colin, J. Fabre and A.E. Dukler
Slug Characterization in Long Pipelines
M. Annunziato, M. Canti and A. Gallotti
The Fractal Statistics of Liquid Slug Lengths
G. Sather, K. Bendiksen, J. Miller and E. Froland
Some Hydrodynamic Stability Aspects of Inverted Annular Flow in an Adiabatic Simulation
A.M. Bradford and S. Doerffer
Droplet Concentration Distribution in Horizontal Annular Flow
S.V. Para and A.J. Karabelas
Measurement of Size and Velocities of Droplets in Dispersed Flows by Using Pulsed Laser Holography and Digital Image Processing
A. Chavez and F. Mayinger
Recent Advances in Transition Boiling Research
H. Auracher
Preliminary Remarks on High Heat Flux CHF in Subcooled Water Flow Boiling
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, G.E. Farello and A. Mariani
Prediction of Dryout Using Phenomenological Models
A.H. Govan and G.F. Hewitt
Post Dryout Heat Flux and Minimum Film Boiling Temperature Measurements
D. Swinnerton and R.A. Savage
Heat Transfer and Void Fraction of Dispersed Two-Phase Flow in 90deg. Circular Bends
M.J. Wan and F. Mayinger
Experimental Investigation Concerning the Boil-Off Phenomena
C. Bertani and G. Del Tin
Effect of Lattice Pitch on the Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of 5x5 BWR Rod Bundle
U. Erikson, M. Majed, O. Nylund and B. Scholin
VATICAN: An Experimental Program for Fuel Assembly Code Validation. First Results and Comparison with THYC Calculations
C. Niedergang and J. Guichard EDF
Influence of Non-Condensible Gas on Natural Circulation in PWR
B. Brand, R. Mandl and K. Unninger
F2 - PWR Refill Studies
W.M. Demter, H.C. Simpson and D. Abouhadra
Stability of Single Phase Flow in an Inverted U-tube Steam Generator and Domains of Attraction for Forward and Reversed Flow
J. Sanders
Deaerator Transient Depressurization Studies
A. Gilchrist, C.K. Lee and C. Carey
A 3D Finite Element Code for Two-Phase Flow Analysis in PWR Steam Generators
J.L. Cheissoux, M. Grandotto, J.P. Gaillard, M. Berard and P. Obry
Two-Phase Pressure Drop Through Distribution and Tube Support Plates Typical of Steam Generators
G. Pierrotti and P. Decembre
Flow Split at a T-Junction- Effect of Downstream Geometry
B.J. Azzopardi and P.A. Smith
Two-Phase Pressure Drops in a Vertical T-Junction in Bubbly Flow
F. Boulanger and H. Lemonnier
Recent Developments on Interfacial Friction Models
D. Bestion
Hold-Up Analysis from Pressure Drop Measurements in Vertical Flow
I. Brandt
The Flow of Two Liquids and Air in Horizontal Pipes - Pressure Drop and Flow Regimes
H. Herm Stapelber and D. Mewes
Design and Development of a Steam Quality Measuring Device and of its Testing Facility
V. Marcolongo and A. Testi
Survey and Analysis on Moisture Separation Equipment for Nuclear Turbines with Saturated
Stearn P. von Bockh
Modelling of Interfacial Deformation due to Marangoni Convection
C.W.M. van der Geld