30th ETPFGM 1992
Stockholm, 1 - 3 June 1992
Organiser: K.M. Becker
List of papers presented
Novel Impedance Measuring Technique for Determination of Flow Composition in Multiphase Flow
F. Klug and F. Mayinger
Radial Voidage Profiles in Vertical Bubbly Flow in a 150 mm Tube
J.H. Hills
Voidage in a Serpentine Tube for Steam/Water Flow at High Pressures
G.F. Dennett, C.R. Gane and B. Chojnowski
Friction Factor in Upflowing Two-Phase Mixtures According to Energy and Momentum Balance
C. Lombardi and A. Terlizzi
Forced Convection Critical Heat Flux and Transition Boiling of Mixtures Flowing Upward in a Vertical Tube
H. Auracher and A. Marroquin
Critical Heat Flux Tests in a 8 mm Tube Using HCFC-22
D. Blumenröhr, F.J. Erbacher, D.C. Groeneveld and W. Zeggel
Main Features of the Aphrodite Boiling Crisis Experimental Program and Analysis of CHF Tests Performed on a Vertical Tube Mock-Up
A. Souyri, S. Conan, A. Portesse and D. Tremblay
An Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Axial Heat Flux Distributions on Post Dryout Heat Transfer for Low of Water in Vertical Tubes
K.M. Becker, P. Askeljung, S. Hedberg, B. Soderquist and U. Kahlbom
CHF in Highly Subcooled Flow Boiling with and Without Turbulence Promoters
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo and A. Mariani
Subcooled Burnout in Uniformly and Non-Uniformly Heated Tubes
A. Achilli, G. Cattadori and G.P. Gaspari
Analysis of Round Tube CHF Tables
W. Zeggel, S. Bethke, D.C. Groeneveld and F.J. Erbacher
Assessments of Round Tube CHF Tables
K.M. Becker and B. Soderquist
CHF Tests and Evaluations on Hexagonal Rod-Bundles at Siemens AG
S. Bethke, G. Ulrych and W. Zeggel
CHF Tests for 6x6 Rod Bundle Geometry
B. Scholin, Z.E. Karoutas and R.C. Marshall
Deformation of a Drops in Liquid-Liquid Flow: An Experimental and Theoretical Analysis
E. Hervieu, N. Coutris, M. Tavares and K. Zagustin
Effect of the Cross-Sectional Droplet Distribution in Dispersed Flow Film Boiling at Low Mass Flux
M. Andreani and G. Yadigaroglu
Application of Stochastic Lagrangian Model to Dispersed Flows
J.L.T. Azevedo, X. Q. Chen and J.C.F. Pereira
Direct-Contact Condensation of Steam on Wave Falling Films
T.D. Karapantsios, M. Kostoglou and A.J. Karabelas
Gas Entrainment at the Rear of Taylor-Bubble
K. Riiser, J. Fabre and C. Suzanne
The Venting of Peroxe Solutions
J.S. Duffield, G. Friz and R. Nijsing
Use of Submerged Jets in Gas Desorption From Supersaturated Solutions
N. Fidi, S.A.K. Jeelani, K. May and S. Hartland
An Assessment of K-Epsilon Modelling of Turbulent Bubbly Flow
G. Golja, I. Zun and A.C.M. Sousa
Forced Convective Boiling in Binary Mixtures
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo and T. Setaro
An Empirical Correlation for the Transition from Stratified to Slug Flow
D. Malnes
A Hyperbolic Two-Fluid Model for Inhomogeneous Non-Equilibrium Two-Phase Flow
H. Stadtke and R. Holtbecker
Transients and Steady-State Two-Phase Flow Calculations with the FLICA 4 Computer Code
D. Caruge, P. Raymond and I. Toumi
Dynamics of Two-Phase Flow Slip Computed by PLIM
M. Rajarnaki and M Saarinen
A Semilagrangian Numerical Method for Drift-Flux Models of Two-Phase Flow
J.M. Izquierdo Rocha and J.C. Queral Salazar
The Simulation of Pressure Vessel Depressurisation and Downcomer Transient Two-Phase Flow
D. M. Lu, H.C. Simpson and A. Gilchrist
Local Thermal-Hydraulic Measurements Inside a Tube Bundle Subchannel in Cross-Flow Configuration
J. M. Gouirand, J. F. Haquet and J. F. Ivars
Two-Phase Flow Through Pipe Fittings
D.A. McNeil
The Split of Vertical Annular Flow at a Large Diameter T-Junction
B.J. Azzopardi
Experimental Studies of Two-Phase Flow
M. Geweke, H. Beckmann and D. Mewes
Analysis of UPTF Downcomer Refill Tests Using the CATHARE 2D Downcomer Model
I. Dor
A Comparative Study Between the Strathclyde 1/10 Scale Refill Experimental Data and the Full Scale UPTF Downcomer Experiments
W. Dempster
Best Estimate Analysis of SVEA Spray Cooling Test
H. Wijkstrom, N.O. Jansson and H. Zhao
Steam Injector Analysis and Testing
G. Cattadori, L. Galbiati, L. Mazzocchi and P. Vanini
Isolation Condenser Performance in Piper-One Apparatus
R. Bovalini, F. D'Auria, M. Mazzini and P. Vigni
Choked Flow Through Cracks
M. Giot, S. Granger, V. Feburie and J.M. Seynhaeve