31st ETPFGM 1993
Hannover, 7 - 10 June 1993
Organiser: D. Mewes
List of papers presented
Heat Transfer Behaviour of a SACO with Gravity Feed
W. Kohler, O. Herbst and W. Kastner
International Standard Problems ISP-33 at PACTEL Facility for the Simulation of VVER-440 Type PWRs
J. Kouhia, J. Tuunanen and T. Kervinen
A Single Stage High Pressure Steam Injector for Next Generation Reactors: Test Results and Analysis
L. Galbiati, G. Cattadori, L. Mazzocchi and P. Vanini
UPTF Experiment: Flow Phenomena During Full-Scale Loop Seal Clearing of a PWR
J. Liebert, R. Emmerling and P. Weiss
UPTF Experiment: TRAM - Flow Patterns and Water Transport Mechanism in a PWR Hot Leg Under Two-Phase Natural Circulation Conditions
W. Junghans, R. Emmerling and P. Weiss
Pressure Drop and Liquid Content in a C02 Two-Phase Pipeline Network with Outlet Nozzles Under Critical Conditions. Calculation and Experimental Verification
P. Gebhard, G. Kiederle and F. Mayinger
Dropwise Condensation of Air-Steam Mixtures in a Compact Heat Exchanger
C.W.M. van der Geld and J. Bronwers
An Initial Investigation into Phase Maldistribution in Evaporators
D.A. McNeal
Two-Phase Pressure Drop Across Sudden Flow Cross-Section Contractions
J. Schmidt and L. Friedel
Droplet Size and Velocity at the Exit of a Nozzle With Two-Component Critical Flow
H. Lemonnier and E. Camelo
A Six Equation Model According to SFAV-Approach with Correct Propagating Velocities of Disturbances
M. Rajamaki and T. Narumo
Use of the CATHARE 1D Pump Model to Predict the Two-Phase Characteristic of a Pump for Petroleum Fluids
P. Coste and R. Vilagines
MONA, a 7-Equation Transient Two-Phase Flow Model for LWR Dynamics
J. Rasmussen and N. Hoyer
Simulation of the Behaviour of a Typical PWR Steam Generator by Means of the RELAP5/Mod 3 Nuclear Plant Analyzer
Y. Crommelynck, E.J Stubbe and L. Vanhoenacker
Critical Heat Flux Tests in Circular Tubes
U. Müller and F.J. Erbacher
Measurement of Local Thermal Hydraulic Parameters in R12 Simulating PWR Conditions From One Phase Flow Until Critical Heat Flux Conditions
J. Garnier
Analysis of in-R12 CHF Data: Influence of Hydraulic and Heating Diameters and Heating Length, Test of Theoretical Boiling Crisis Models
J.Y. Olive, A. Souyri, V. Czop, J. Garnier and Ch. Herer
Comparison of CHF Predictors Obtained by the Pseudo-Cubic Spline Method from FLICA-3M and EDF's THYC Computations
D. Banner and F. De Crecy
Predictions of CHF in Subcooled Flow Boiling at High Liquid Velocity and Subcooling
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo and A. Mariani
FC, the Framatome Correlation for Critical Heat Flux in Pressurized Water Reactor Rod Bundles
R. Aved and J.P. Bourteele
The Research Program on the Instability of Boiling Channels to be Carried Out by Piper-One Apparatus
W. Ambrosini, F. D'Auria, G. Galassi and M. Mazzini
Direct Contact Boiling of Immiscible Liquids
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo and F. D'Annibale
Liquid Layer and Wall Shear Stress Characteristics in Stratified/Atomization Flow
A.J. Karabelas, N Vlachos and S.V. Paras
Two-Phase Flow Patterns During Evaporation of the New Refrigerants in Tubes and Annuli
J R. Thome, N. Kattan and D. Favrat
Search for Correlations by Artificial Neural Network Approach: Two-Phase Thermohydraulic Study Case
C. Lombardi, E. Zio, M. Marseguerra and E. Ricotti
Aspects of Three-Phase Flows in Gas Condensate Pipelines
K. Lunde, S. Nuland and M. Lingelem
Multiphase Slug Flow in Horizontal Pipes
M. Nädler and D. Mewes
Horizontal Slug Flow: Development in Long Pipe
J. Fabre, E. Gadoin, Ph. Grenier and A. Line
Transient Simulation of Two-Phase Hydrocarbon Flows in Pipelines
A.R.W. Hall and G.R. Butcher