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33rd ETPFGM 1995

Hertogenbosch, 30 May - 2 June 1995

Organiser: H. Nieuwenhuizen

List of papers presented


The Transition Region Between Intermittent, Stratified and Annular Two-Phase Flow in Upward Inclined Pipes
M. Creutz, Y. Taitel, D. Barnea, M. Müller and D. Mewes


Prominent Effects and Variables in Inverted-Annular Film Boiling
F. de Cachard


Air-Water Thermal Non-Equilibrium Annular Flow: Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Results
C. Pisoni, M. Fossa and L. Tagliafico


Pool Boiling with an Imposed Electric Field: Part 1, Theoretical Aspects
P. Di Marco and W. Grassi


Pool boiling with an Imposed Electric Field: Part 2, Experimental Results
P. Di Marco and W. Grassi


Understanding and Modelling DNB in Forced Convective Boiling
P. Bricard and A. Souyri


Heat Transfer in Vertical Forced Convective Boiling of Binary Mixtures
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo and T. Setaro


Scoping Tests on Passive Injection Depressurisation System
G.P. Gaspari and G.P. Mansani


Hydrogen Migration for Catalytic Recombiner in KALI Facilities
G. Avakian, O. Braillard and F. Escourbiac


Investigation of the Flow of Liquid Phase in the Two-Phase Flow Inside the Upper Plenum of a PWR
M. Boddem and D. Mewes


Investigations on Sump Cooling After Core Melt Down
J.U. Knebel and U. Müller


Experimental Evaluation of the Onset of Subcooled Flow Boiling at High Liquid Velocity and Subcooling
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo and A. Mariani


Post-Test Analysis of the LOBI-MOD2 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Test with the RELAP5-MOD2 Code
J. Zhang and L. Vanhoenacker


Dispersion of Bubbles in Turbulent Flows
A. Biesheuvel, P.D.M. Spelt and I.A. Joia


Particles-Turbulence Interaction and its Effect on Heat Transfer
G. Hetsroni


Development of Turbulent Bubble Flow in a Tube
A.M. Kamp, C. Colin and J. Fabre


Bubble Migration and Transition to Plug Flow in Vertical Channels
B. Brand and C.W.M. van der Geld


Numerical Experiments on Dispersed Two-Phase Flows in a Vertical Tube
W. Uijttewaal


Experimental Investigation and Preliminary Numerical Simulations of Void Profile Development in a Vertical Cylindrical Pipe
C. Grossetete


Void Fraction Measurements in Transient Bubble Columns by Needle-Shaped Conductivity Probes
H.M. Prasser and C. Schlenkrich


A New Algorithm for Impedance Imaging of Two-Phase Flow
H. Lemonnier and J.F. Peytraud


A Transport Equation for the Interfacial Area Density Applied to an Impinging Jet Reactor
M. Millies, N. Reinecke and D. Mewes


The Analytic Solution for Laminar Stratified Flow in a Pipe and the Effective Diameter Concept
D. Biberg


Flashing, Void Fraction and Pressure Drop in Pipes during Rapid Depressurization
F. Mayinger, K. Tong and H. Wallner


Two-Phase Flow and Pressure-Relief: Some Unanswered Questions
A. Cannava


The Effect of Fittings on Drop Sizes in Two-Phase Flow
B.J. Azzopardi and C. Sudlow


Stability of Tube Vibration and Correlation-Length under Two-Phase Flow
G. Tenzler, W. Manu and F. Mayinger


Finned Tubes Heat Transfer in Gaseous Environments Filled with Steam and Non-Condensable Gases
P.A.G. Vacchiani


Solar Absorber Tube with Direct Steam Generation - Experimental Verification of the Injection Principle
W. Koehler, O. Herbst and W. Kastner


Influence of Mole Fraction, Heated Length, and Subcooling on the Critical Heat Flux of Binary Mixtures Flowing Upwards in a Vertical Tube
H. Auracher and A. Marroquin


Global Model of a Bubbly Flow through an Abrupt Expansion
A. Attou


A Model for Vapour Film around High Temperature Melt Jets: Implications for the Jet Stability
R. Meignen and G. Berthoud


Condensation of Fission Product Vapours and Aerosol Particles and Surfaces
E. Hontanon and I. Shepherd


Surface Boiling of Superheated Liquid
P. Reinke and Yadigaroglu

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