35th ETPFGM 1997
Brussels, 6 - 7 June 1997
Organiser: M. Giot

List of papers presented
A High Frequency Impedance Probe for Wave Structure, Identification of Falling Films
S. Leuthner and H. Auracher
Comparative Measurements of Average Void Fraction within Horizontal Ducts with Sudden Area Contraction
S. Arosio, M. Fossa, G. Guglielmini and G. Sotgia
Level Swell Observations during Depressurisation of a Small Vessel
B.J. Azzopardi, A. Rosenberg and E. Iones
Flashing of Binary Mixtures during Rapid Depressurisation
F. Mayinger and J. Wallner
SIET - Conceived New passive Safety Systems for LWR Applications
A. Achilli, G. Cattadori and R. Ferri
Validation of Two-Phase Flow Code THYC on Vatican Experiment
F. Maurel, A. Portesse, P. Rimbert and B. Thomas
The Front Tracking Method for Interface Transport
A. Silveira-Neto and P. Emonot
Modelling of SULTAN Experiment about Reactor Cooling in Case of Corium Retention
I. Dor and G. Geffraye
Limits in Rollover Prediction and Pressure Relief Design in Cryogenic Storage
G.A. Papadakis and J.S. Duffield
Application of Experimental-Based Design Tool for Future Solar Fields and Design Aspects of a Recirculation Principle
H. Schmidt, O. Herbst, W. Kastner and W. Köhler
Experimental Tests on Multi-Droplet Boiling Systems
G. Lorenzini, M.R. Randi and P. Tartarini
Visual Investigation of High Heat Flux Burnout in Subcooled Flow Boiling of Water
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, A. Mariani, G. Zummo and D. Gallo
The Effect of Surfactants on the Leidenfrost Temperature
H. Wennerström, W. Frid and J. Blomstrand
Critical Heat Flux on a Wire in Pool Boiling in the Presence of an Electric Field: Comparison between Performance of R-113 and FC-72
P. Di Marco and W. Grassi
Two-Phase Flashing Flow across Singularities: Choking and Associated Phenomena
A. Attou
Experimental Study of Two-Phase Flow (Critical or Not) through Narrow Cracks and Channels with Inlet Subcooling
D. Pages and C. Clauvaud
Prediction of Safety Relief Valve Two-Phase Flow Capacity
T. Lenzing, L. Friedel and J. Schmidt
Assessment of the Maximum Liquid Superheat during Flashing Leak-Flow
S. Körner and L. Friedel
Dispersion of Gas Bubbles in Large-Scale Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence
P.D.M. Spelt and A. Biesheuvel
Three-Phase Exhaust Systems under Water
M. Creutz and D. Mewes
The Development of Flow Patterns in Vertical Gas-Liquid Flow in a 150 mm Tube
J.H. Hills, H. Cheng and B.J. Azzopardi
Transport Phenomena in Vertical Turbulent Air-Water Bubbly Flow
G. Janssens-Maenhout, J.U. Knebel and U. Müller
Self-Areation in Stratified Two-Phase Pipe Flow
K. Lunde
Preliminary Visualization Results of 3D Motion of Particles in a Helical Baffled Heat Exchanger
J.J. van der Voorde, C.W.M. van der Geld and R. van der Ploeg
Recent Advances in Bubble-Liquid Interaction Simulation
I. Zun, A. Tomiyama and E. Polutnik