36th ETPFGM 1998 and 1st EJTPFGM 1998
Portoroz, 1 - 5 June 1998
Organiser: Iztok Zun and Goichi Matsui
List of papers presented
Non-parametric statistical modeling of chaotic phenomena
Igor Grabec
Heat transfer enhancement by air injection in upward heated mixed convection flow of water
G. P. Celata, A Chiaradia, M. Cumo and F. D'Annibale
Influence of flow structure on heat and mass transfer in falling films of binary mixtures
H. Auracher
Vibration characteristics of subcooled boiling flow instability
S. Toda and M. R. Nematollahi
Boiling induced mixed convection in cooling loops
G.Janssens-Maenhout, J.U Knebel and U. Muller
In search of parameters to scale critical heat flux with gravity acceleration
P. Di Marco and W. Grassi
Studies of channel flow stability in an operating boiling water reactor
J. Blomstrand
Pool boiling heat transfer outside inclined tubes
A. Naviglio
A photographic study of the subcooled flow boiling burnout at high heat flux and velocity
G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, D. Gallo, A. Mariani and G. Zummo
Two phase flows: modeling and numerical analysis with a two fluid model
P. Rascle
Full lift safety valve single- and two-phase flow capacity prediction
T. Lenzing and L. Friedel
Determination of two-phase critical flow: implementation and assesment of a reference technique
C. Lemaire, H. Lemonnier and G. Dehais
Two-fluid simulation ofthe gas-liquid flow in cyclone
A. Alajbegovic, H. Grogger and I. Zun
Experimental and theoretical investigation on condensation inside and outside enhanced tubes
C. Cavallini, D. Del Col, L. Doretti, G. A. Longo and L. Rossetto
Numerical simulation of particle behavior in ER-fluid based on percolation theory
S. Hattori, A. Serizawa and I. Kataoka
Drop size distribution evolution after continuous on intermittent injection of butane or propane in a confined air flow
G. Knubben and C. van der Geld
The behavior of a deformed bubble in micro channel
S. Takagi, K. Sugiyama, O. Nakabeppu and Y. Matsumoto
PIV measurement of flow field around a bubble
G. Matsui, H. Monji, and T. Kurihara
Numerical simulation of CAES champagne effect based on a two-fluid model
T. Okawa, N. Tanaka, R. Yamamoto, G. Matsui and H. Monji
On turbulent mixing in a two-phase subchannel flow
Y. Sato, M. Sadatomi and A. Kawahara
Flow characteristics of air-water two-phase flow in a large vertical pipe
A. Ohnuki and H. Akimoto
Experimental investigation of the two-phase flow in the hot leg of a pressurized water reactor
G. Petritsch and D. Mewes
Experiments on heat removal in a gap between debris crust and PPV Wall
H. Schmidt, W. Kohler, O. Herbst and W. Kratzer
An innovative start-up device for the passive heat removal system of an integrated-layout PWR
A. Achilli, G. Cattadori, R. Ferri,A. Cammi, C. Lombardi and M. E. Ricotti
Modeling aspects in the coupling of thermal-hydraulics and neutronics
E. Royer
Development of advanced computer code CANAC3-3D for next generation PWR
K. Okabe, T. Ueno, K. Katsuragi, T. Suzuta and Y. Hirao
Validation of the cathare film condensation model on coturne experiment
T. Chataing, L. Pilon and G. Geoffraye
Ultrasonic doppler method for bubbly flow measurement
M. Aritomi, Y. Suzuki, Y. Takeda and M. Mori
Short-time-holography applied to the analysis of the three-dimensional two-phase flow in aerated, stirred vessels
O. Feldmann and F. Mayinger
Application of thermal and fast neutron radiography to visualization of 3-D void fraction distribution of gas-liquid two-phase flow
N. Takenaka, H. Asano, T. Fujii, K. Yoshii and M. Matsubayashi
Unintrusive measurement of phase density function and velocity
S. Hosokawa, A. Tomiyama, K. Takesaka and T. Sakaguchi
Experiment on liquid bridge in a horizontal narrow divergent channel
J. Ohta, F. Yamamoto and Y. Murai
Fast X-ray CT Measurement of Cell and Shroud Taylor Bubbles in Rod Bundles
A. J. van der Linden, M.Misawa, M. Akai, H. Monji and G. Matsui
Flashing oscillation phenomena caused by discharging of high-pressure saturated water into pool water
T. Takamasa, S. Tamura, M. Kurabayashi and I. Aya
Slug flow in the steady and transient states
G.F. Hewitt