40th ETPFGM 2002
Stockholm, 10 - 13 June 2002
Organiser: W. Frid
List of papers presented
Modeling of critical heat flux in subcooled flow boiling
G.P. Celata
Measurement and analysis of dryout in annular geometry with two sided and one sided heating with uniform and non-uniform axial power and the influence of spacers and spacer positions
P. Persson
Numerical study of the effect of the axial power distribution on dryout conditions in an Annulus.
H. Anglart, C. Adamsson
Extension of the compensated distortion method to the critical heat flux modelling in rectangular inclined channel
F. Francois, G. Berthoud
Heat removal through control rod guide tubes in BWR lower head during a severe accident
M. J. Konovalikhin, A. Jasiulevicius, B. R. Sehgal
Rewetting of hot surfaces by droplet impingement
G. P. Celata, M. Cumo, A. Mariani
The effect of surfactants on the dynamics of Leidenfrost drops
Kozachkov, W. Frid
Potential for porosity formation in a melt debris pool cooled by bottom injection
D. Paladino, B. R. Sehgal
Condensation of R-134a inside a horizontal microfin and smooth tube: experimental heat transfer and flow pattern visualisation
A. Cavallini, G. Censi, D. Del Col, L. Doretti, G.A. Longo, L. Rossetto, C. Zilio
Effect of condensation generated shear on the initiation of condensation implosion events
M. Seporaitis, K. Almenas, R. Pabarcius, S. Gasiunas
Scaling of the velocity field induced by a bubble rising rectilinearly through liquid under variation of the gas-liquid density ratio
M. Wörner
Modelling of gas entrainment from Taylor bubbles
N. Brauner and A. Ullman
Structure of the velocity field around an elongated bubble in a vertical pipe
L. Shemer, A. Goulitsky, D. Barnea
Experimental database for co-current air-water flow in a vertical pipe
D. Lucas, E. Krepper, H.-M. Prasser
Investigations on the three-layer pattern during liquid-liquid flows
P. Angeli, J. Lovick, J. Y.-L. Lum
What is entrainment in vertical two-phase churn flow
B. J. Azzopardi, E. Wren
Flow distribution of gas and liquid in four parallel pipes
L. Pustylnik, M. Tshuva, D. Barnea, Y. Taitel
Experiments on stratified-slug transition in two-phase flow at varying pressures
O. Kristiansen, O. J. Nydal
Incipient fluidization: The influence of the pressure on the minimum fluidizing velocity and voidage fraction
M.A.R. Talaia
Gas-oil-water pipe flow experiments at low liquid loading
G. Chupin
Development and validation of a X-ray tomograph for two-phase flows
E. Hervieu, E. Jouet, L. Desbat
Dynamic fragmentation of molten liquid droplet in liquid coolant
H. S. Park, R. C. Hansson, B. R. Sehgal
Void fraction measurement and analysis of horizontal intermittent flows
M. Fossa, G. Guglielmini, A. Marchitto
Predictive accuracy of safety valve sizing methods in case of single-phase highly viscous flow and two-phase steam-water flow
L. Friedel, M. Wieczorek, H. Derlien
Studies of void contents and pressure drop characteristics of air-water flows through mockups of BWR coolant channels
J. Blomstrand, H. Sadeghi, S. Hedberg, P. Fernando, G. Urrutia
PERSEO Project: Experimental facility set-up and RELAP5 code calculations
Achilli, G. Cattadori, R. Ferri, M. Rigamonti, F. Bianchi, P. Meloni
Modelling the process side of fired reboilers
L.Y. Chong, B.J. Azzopardi, D.J. Bate
On the Riemann problem for a hyperbolic two-phase flow mode
D. Zeidan, E. Toro, A. Slaouti
Significance of the balance equation for the interfacial area concentration and presentaion of a new method to determine it
Janqua, Ch. Morel
Use of extended irreversible thermodynamics to determine transient dissipative effects with the HEM and HRM models
B. Kucienska, J. M Seynhaeve, M. Giot
Numerical simulation of phase distribution in a gravity-driven adiabatic pipe flow
E. Laurien and T. Giese
A computational model for three-phase slug flow
R.I. Issa, M. Bonizzi
Characteristic analysis of two-phase flow through convergent-divergent nozzles
H. Staedtke
Object oriented simulation of multiphase flow :Pigging operation
O. J. Nydal, P. Klebert, S. Moncla
Multiphase flow with non-Newtonian liquids using hydrate slurry as an example
S. Nuland
IVA-5M numerical method for analysis of three-fluid multi-component flows in boundary-fitted multi-blocks
N. I. Kolev