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47th ETPFGM 2009

Bled, 3 - 6 June 2009

Organiser: Iztok Zun


joint with the EFCE multiphase flow working party

List of papers presented
Special topic: Two-Phase Flow in Chemical Engineering with an Emphasis on Microsystems


Transport limitations in multiphase-flow microreactors: Current status and challenges
N. Kockmann, D. M. Roberge

Boiling and Two-Phase Flows in Parallel Microchannels
J.R. Thome

Impact of channel geometry on the performance of a falling film microreactor - without and with in-channel structuring
M. Al-Rawashdeh, V. Hessel, P. Löb, F. Schönfeld

Two-phase flow mal-distribution in a mini-manifold system
I. Žun, J. Gregorc, M. Perpar

Visualisation of intermittent dewetting and dryout for elongated bubble flow in a silicon multi-microchannel evaporator
N. Borhani, B. Agostini, J.R. Thome

Complex transport phenomena in the pharmaceutical industry with special emphasis to multi phase flow
A. Kuttler, T. Dimke

Separation of gas-liquid/ liquid-liquid in multiphase microsystems
P.R. von Rohr, N. Langhorst, D. Fries

Laminar bubbly flow in an open capillary channel in microgravity
A. Salim, C. Colin, M. Dreyer

Characteristics of separated laminar flows in inclined pipes
A. Ullmann, A. Goldstein, N. Brauner

Unified macro-to-microscale method to predict two-phase frictional pressure drops of annular flow
J.R. Thome

On the measurement of bubble incidence angle
P. Di Marco

Three dimensional modelling of droplet-hot wall interactions
D. Chatzikyriakou, S. P. Walker, G. F. Hewitt, D. Lakehal

Flow patterns and two-phase heat transfer and pressure drop in a 0.52 mm vertical metallic tube
M. M. Mahmoud, D.B.R. Kenning, T.G. Karayiannis

Validation of flow measurements by using nuclear magnetic resonance
H. Lemonnier, P. Jullien

Thermodynamic characterization of a saturated two-phase flow of a pure fluid: first and second law analyses
R. Revellin, J. Bonjour

CMFD-based insights into two-phase flow heat transfer in micro-tubes
D. Lakehal

Influence of wall turbulence on fiber distribution and deposition
A. Soldati, M. Fantoni, C. Marchioli

Quantification of heavy particle segregation in turbulent flows: a Lagrangian approach
M.W. Reeks

Influence of solubility of carbon dioxide in oil on two-phase flow characteristics
F. Hatesuer, T. Groth, A. Luke

Induced agitation in homogeneous dispersed flows at moderate particle Reynolds numbers
A. Cartellier, M. Andreotti, P. Sechet

Euler-Lagrange calculations of particle behaviour and flow development in pneumatic conveying systems
S. Lain, M. Sommerfeld

Flow distribution of evaporating fluid flow in parallel pipes, methods for eliminating maldistribution
Y. Taitel, D. Barnea

Modeling of the evolution of bubbly flow along a large vertical pipe with a new coalescence and breakup model
Y. Liao, D. Lucas

Gas-liquid flows in bubble columns and loop reactors
S. Sharaf, D. Zhao, V. Hernandez Perez, B.J. Azzopardi

Numerical and physical experiments of Taylor bubbles rising in counter-current flow
J. Fabre, B. Figueroa, D. Larrey

Bubbly flows through granular packed beds: Experiments and Modelling
P. Sechet, A. Cartellier, M.L. Bordas, C. Boyer

Two-phase flow in vertical thermosyphon reboilers: Hydraulic characteristics for in-tube boiling of hydrocarbon fluids
V.V. Wadekar

Experimental study on bubble rise in a dilute suspension flow
Th. Reichardt, M. Sommerfeld

Heat transfer and bubble formation in nucleate boiling
A. Luke

Gravity influence on heat transfer rate in flow boiling
C. Baltis, G.P. Celata, G. Zummo

Sensor systems for the characterization of water films
T. Buchner, I. Ganzmann, O. Herbst, L. Klemm, H. Schmidt, H. Li

Experimental investigation of post-dryout heat transfer in an annulus with and without flow obstacles
I.G. Anghel, H. Anglart

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