7th EJTPFGM 2015
Zermatt, 11-15 October 2015
Organiser: John R. Thome

List of papers presented
Assessment and Comparison of Advanced Measurement Techniques for Two-Phase Flow Characterization,
Masahiro Kawaji
Bubble Columns Hydrodynamics at Large Void Fractions
P. Raimundo, A. Cartellier, D. Beneventi, A. Forret, P. Augie
Characteristics of Gas and Non-Newtonian Liquid Two-Phase Flows Through Circular Microchannel
Akimaro Kawahara, Michio Sadatomi, Wen Zhe Law, Mohamed H. Mansour
Mixing in a Homogeneous Swarm of High Reynolds Number Bubble
E. Almeras, V. Roig, F. Risso, C. Plais, F. Augier
Stability of stratified Flow in Inclined Channels: Exact Analysis and Mechanistic Models
Neima Brauner
Experimental Study of Convective Condensation Inside a 3mm Diameter Tube
Marco Azzolin, Stefano Bortolin, Lan Phuong Le Nguyen, Davide Del Col
Critical Heat Flux Measurements for R134a and R1234ZE Inside a Multi-Minichannel Heat Sink at High Saturation Temperatures
R. Mastrullo, A.W. Mauro, J.R. Thome, G.P. Vanolic, L. Viscito
Morphological Control of Fine Particles Crystallized in a System of Gas-Dispersed Liquid
Katsumi Tsuchiya, Takaaki Shima, Yasushige Mori
Gas Liquid in Hilly Terrain Pipelines - Modeling and Experiments
Yehuda Taitel, Michael Simkhis, Ariel Tevelev, Dvora Barnea
Towards Development of a Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Research Roadmap
John R. Thome
Preliminary Resolution of the Near-Wall Structure in Shear- Driven Annular Liquid Films
Andrea Cioncolini, John R. Thome
Stratification Assessment During Evaporative Annular Flow of R-245fa in a Horizontal Minichannel
R. Revellin, A. Donniacuo, R. Mastrullo, A. W. Mauro
Modelling of Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer With Non-Adiabatic Effects in Saturated Flows with Phase Change
Dariusz Mikielewicz
Multiscale Blood Flow Simulations on Massively Parallel Computers
Kazuyasu Sugiyama, Satoshi Li, Shu Takag, Yoichiro Matsumoto
Direct Numerical Dimulation of Heat Transfer in Liquid-Solid Two-Phase Media
Takeo Kajishima, Shintaro Takeuchi
Soiling and Rain Simulation for Ground Transportation Vehicules
Jonathan Jilesen, Ales Alajbegovic, Brad Duncan
Simulation of By-Pass Pigging in Pipelines with a 1D Two-Phase Compressible Stratified Model
M.H.W. Hendrix, B. Sanderse, W.-P. Breugema, R.A.W.M. Henkes
Slug Flow in Flexible Pipes
Ole Jorgen Nydal, Joaquin Vieiro
Dynamic Contact Angle in Narrow Slit Pores
T. Omori, T. Kajishima
Novel bubble formation by a femtosecond laser pulse irradiated into pure-water/acetone: the bubble formation process on a time scale from sub-pico seconds to microseconds
Takayuki Saito, Yuki Mizushima
Bubble Formation on Submerged Orifice in a Shear Flow: Mechanistic Model for Bubble Detachment
Michel Lebon, Catherine Colin, Julien Sebilleau
Effects of Subcooling on Sound Generation by Vapor Bubbles in Water
Kosuke Hayashi, Masaya Tateyama, Kazutaka Ikeuchi, Shigeo Hosokawa, Akio Tomiyama, Makoto Hirotsu, Nobuhiro Takeda
Some Mechanisms Governing the Interaction of Two-Bubbles Freely Rising in a Thin-gap Cell
Audrey Filella, Patricia Ern, Véronique Roig
Some Topics on Bubble Clustering Phenomena
Shu Takagi, Kazuki Maeda, Yoshito Sekiguchi, Taichi Osaki, Mitsuhisa Ichiyanagi, Kazuyasu Sugiyama, Takashi Azuma, Yoichiro Matsumoto
An Experimental Investigation on the Motion of a Pair of Bubbles at Intermidiate Reynolds Numbers
Hiroaki Kusuno, Toshiyuki Sanada
Reflooding of High Temperature Tube and Scaling Parameter
Mamoru Ozawa
Wall Effects on the Subcooled Boiling Induced Vibration Phenomena of a Single Heater Rod
Kenji Takano, Yusuke Hashimoto, Tomoaki Kunugi, Takehiko Yokomine, Zensaku Kawara
Radial and Axial Development of Boiling Two-Phase Flow in 5×5 Heated Rod Bundle Under Atmospheric Pressure Condition
Takahiro Arai, Masahiro Furuya, Taizo Kanai, Kenetsu Shirakawa, Yoshihisa Nishi
Wall Temperature and Void Fraction Characteristics in Boiling Transition
Hitoshi Asano, Jyunpei Yoshidome, Tomohiko Nakamura, Taisaku Gomyo
Influence of Tube Diameter on Critical Heat Flux in Downward Flow
Takeyuki Ami, Takayuki Harada, Hisashi Umekawa, Mamoru Ozawa
Effect of External Electric Field on Spreading of a Liquid Droplet at Low Capillary Number Regime: Experimental Evidences and Numerical Simulation
G. Saccone, R. Kurimoto, M. Bucci, P. Di Marco, A. Tomiyama
Evaluation of Two-Phase Flow Distribution and Flow Rates in a Multimicrochannel Evaporator using High Speed Flow Visualization
Navid Borhani, John R. Thome
Bubbly, Slug and Annular Two-Phase Flow in Tight-Lattice Sub-Channels
Horst-Michael Prasser, Christian Bolesh, Daisuke Ito, Petros Papadopoulos, Abhishek Saxena, Robert Zboray
Role of Initial Conditions in Bubbly Flow
Iztok Žun
A Numerical Study of the Conditions Promoting Trapped Water Displacement from Low Sections of Oil Pipelines
M. Magnini, J.R. Thome, N. Brauner, A. Ullmann
Numerical Simulation of Rising Carbon-Dioxide Bubbles in Downward Water Flow
Yoshimichi Hagiwara, Teruhiko Kinoshita
Recent Development of DNS/LES of Boiling Flows in Paul Sherrer Institute
Yohei Sato, Bojan Niceno, Horst-Michael Prasser
Simulation of Bubbles of Varying Shape with an Immersed Boundary Method
Tobias Kempe, Stephan Schwarz, Jochen Fröhlich
Recent Progress in Quasi-Static Bubble Growth Dynamics
Anthony Robinson
Local Instantaneous Heat Transfer in Slug Flow of Two-Phase Consecutive Taylor Bubbles
Adam Fershtman, Dvora Barnea, Lev Shemer
Shadow Imaging and Bubble Tracking in Bubbly Gas-Liquid Flow in Porous Structures
Marco Altheimer, Richard Häfeli, Philipp Rudolf von Rohr
Measurement of Droplets Behavior in Annular-Mist Flow
Tomoji Takamasa
Investigations on Upward, Downward and Counter-Current Two-Phase Flows Pipe Flows Using Ultra-Fast Electron Beam X-Ray Computer Tomography
Dirk Lucas, Manuel Banowski, Matthias Beyer
Shadow-Imaging PTV-SS for Measurements in Three-Phase Flows with Similar-Sized Gas and Solid Particles using Scattered Light Characteristics
Tomonori Mukunoki, Masaru Umezawa, Konstantinos Zarogoulidis, Koichi Hishida
Experimental Investigations of Two-Phase Flow in Inclined Pipes
K. Zabkova, A. Luke
Two-Phase Pressure Drops in U-bends and Their Contiguous Straight Tubes for R134a
Ricardo J. Da Silva Lima, Kathleen De Kerpel, Ciro Panico, Michel De Paepe, Rita M.A. Mastrullo, John R. Thome
Numerical Simulation of EHD Interface Deformation
Samuel Siedel
Numerical Simulation of Slug Flow Induced Fluctuating Force in Piping Systems
Munenori Maekawa, Zheng Zhang, Motoki Irikura, Akio Tomiyama
Mecahnistic Simulation of Slug Flow in Vertical Pipes with the Two-Fluid Model
R.I. Issa, F. Galleni
5ESCARGOTS: A Numerical Code for Slug Capturing in Pipes
Marco Ferrari, Arianna Bonzanini, Pietro Poesio
Modelling and Analysis of Flooding Waves in Vertical Air-Water Churn Flow
Matej Tekavčič, Boštjan Končar, Ivo Kljenak
Two-Phase Flow Dynamics of a Bubble Plume in a Rotating System
Yuichi Murai, Soya Yokoyama, Jozef H.A. Vlaskamp, Peter J. Thomas
Splashing During Liquid Jet Impact onto a Horizontal Wall
Tomio Okawa, Naoki Oya, Zhan Yi, Koji Enoki, Shuji Ohno, Mitsuhiro Aoyagi
Measurements of Turbulence in a Liquid Lead-Bismuth Flow
Takayuki Saito, Yuki Mizushima
Heat Transfer Mechanisms of Natural Refrigerants
Andrea Luke
Long Term Experiments on a Single Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe with and without Dead Volumes
F. Creatini, M. Mameli, S. Filippeschi, P. Di Marco
A Novel Type of Multi-Evaporator Closed Loop Two Phase Thermosyphon
D. Mangini, G.F. Vanoli, L. Araneo, S. Filippeschi, M. Marengo
Evaluation of Interfacial Shear Stress of a Single Drop Using Spatio-Temporal Filter Velocimetry
Shigeo Hosokawa, Yuya Masukura, Kosuke Hayashi, Akio Tomiyama
Study on the Interaction Between Internal and External Flows and the Phase-Change Process Around an Acoustically Levitated Droplet
Yutaka Abe, Asushi Goda, Motonori Niwa, Koji Hasegawa
Contact-Angle Variations of Water Droplets on Low Surface Energy Solid
Yukihiro Yonemoto, Tomoaki Kunugi
Controlled Experiments on Front Boiling and Flashing of C6F14
H. Djeridi, A. Cartellier, J.-P. Matas, P. Boivin
Two-Phase Flow Patterns in Short Horizontal Rectangular Microchannels
E.A. Chinnov, F.V. Ron’shin, O.A. Kabov
Design of an Integrated Thermal Management System Using Micro-Heat Evaporators and Condensers and HFE7100
Mohamed M. Mahmoud, Ryan J. McGlen, Tassos G. Karayiannis
Study on Water Transport Phenomena in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell in the Through-Plane Direction
Hideki Murakawa, Katsumi Sugimoto, Masataka Sawada, Masataka Nishizaki, Hitoshi Asano, Nobuyuki Takenaka, Yasushi Saito
Mass Transfer in Adsorption Enhanced Two-Phase Thermoacoustic Process
Dan Liberzon, Oren Weltsch
Experimental Investigations of Desorption Effects of Saturated Liquid Mixtures in Interaction with Solid Surfaces
S. Wagner, K. Zabkova, A. Luke
Standardization of the Pulsating Heat Pipe (PHP)
D. Florea, G. Gursel, F.G.A Homburg, A.J.H Frijns, J.M.J. den Toonder